Friday, May 9, 2014

Rainy Days

Rainy Days and Thursday Always make me,.... Lazy! 


10 Things that make you want to stay in bed on Rainy days...

 1:  Water Filled Feed Bowls, Yummy!

 2: Goats that refuse to leave the Goat barn to eat and prefer breakfast in bed, literally.

 3: A rooster named Gladys who has been just waiting for me to come in the run to attack me!

4: a wet pig slopping in the mud

5: Getting your muck boot stuck in the mud and falling face first onto the pig

6: pigs with tusks

7: lightening flashing while your near a wire covered chicken run.

8:  empty hay bins, nice just what one wants to do In the rain, fill hay bins!

9: A husband working,..he could have filled the hay bins if he was home

10: Being an adult!      

Oh lovely start!

mum weez not coming out, it's raining!

That's my boys!





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