Sunday, May 25, 2014


So here we are nearing the end of May and I am overwhelmed to the point of stagnation. All my big plans came to naught. In order to plant the garden I started with the idea of a simple fence. Well in the midst of that, with only weekends to work with, we had visitors two weekends in a row. So the fence went up sporadically at best.

Near done now, thankfully, as it grew from a little fence to quite a monster, I was planning to get the garden in. Then my cars ebrake needed replacing and my washing machine took a nose dive. Perfection! So two days into my glorious 3 day weekend,  brake job completed finally, washing machine hunting in progress and the downstairs refrigerator decides it needs attention. Seriously?!
I could just scream. So my garden, it looks like tomorrow I will just be filling in my three raised garden boxes and calling it a weekend. 
So where am I on my check list for the spring.

Garden Fence : near completed
Garden : diverted to raised garden boxes
Raised Garden Boxes: mulling it over
Driveway: who needs visitors anyway
Boundary fencing: hopeful
Entryway refurbished Arbor gate: a dream
Back patio: wish and a prayer
New Goat house: dream on!

I guess tomorrow is another day. I have to just accept it, make an unrealistic list and reality will come sit in your lap!

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